This API is meant to obtain supplier's data through the supplier code.


The type attribute has to be set to track.

The product attribute has to be set to supplier.

    <query type="track" product="supplier">
            <filter type="supplier" code="testmt2"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
     <response type="track" product="supplier">
            <code value="testmt2"/>
            <name value="Test Supplier Venezia"/>
            <corporatename value="Test Supplier"/>
            <mailstaff value=""/>
            <mailaccountability value=""/>
            <country value="ITALIA"/>
            <city value="VENEZIA"/>
            <address value="via di test"/>
            <zip value="30010"/>
            <province value="VE"/>
            <accountability value=""/>
            <tax value=""/>
            <sdi value=""/>
                <thirdpart name="aves" code="0001706"/>