In this article you will find an explanation on most errors that you may find in the responses:
- RequestParsingException: something went wrong parsing the request (usually wrong or missing XML nodes or attributes)
- AuthCredentialsException: wrong actor, user or password
- ContractNotAllowedException: the credentials used are not allowed to handle the requested agreement
- HotelNotAllowedException: the credentials used are not allowed to handle the requested hotel id
- DatabaseWriteException: operation was not logged in database (contact our support team to handle this)
- OperationNotAllowedException: the requested operation is not enabled in the supplier's extranet channel manager configuration. This case should be handled by the client
- RateNotValidException: the rate inserted in the setrate operation is not correct. This means that the rate is equal or higher than the base tariff for the contract in the period requested. In order to allow this specific setup, the client should set the flag "Flex tariffs without limits" otherwise the client should check the tariffs configured in the contract
- CannotCompleteOperationException: usually there are some inconsistencies between data sent and data already present in the database. This should be handled technically in order to clean or fix the situation (contact our support team to handle this)
- RoomTypeNotAllowedException: an update has been sent on a room type which is not allowed. At the moment this errors won't be raised anymore until further notice
- GenericValueException: Generic value sent is not consistent with the allotment.
- ReleaseValueException: release and maxrelease values must be unique for the whole allotment sent
- NoTariffsForAllotmentException: updating or inserting an allotment with no valid tariff configured in the contract is not allowed
- ReleaseIntervalException: The release interval specified does not match with the existing allotments ones for the period requested
- OverlappingItemsException: the requested items are overlapping (depending on the item, the overlap has different logic. contact our support team to handle this)
- ClosureTypeException: you are trying to set a closure both checkinonly and checkoutonly and it is not allowed
- OperationNotAllowedOnContractCategoryException: operation is not allowed on the contract due to its category attribute in client's system