
    "key": "Loremipsumdolorsitametconsecteturadipiscingelitlaoreet",
    "owner_code": "netstorming",
    "dry_run": true,
    "customers": [...]

Request parameters:

Key Compulsory Value type Max length Notes
key yes varchar API Key provided by Netstorming
owner_code yes varchar 3-12 alphanumeric chars Owner you want the new customers belongs to
customers yes list of objects see below: Customer parameters List of customers data to be inserted
dry_run no bool If true, just performs a dry-run execution. Validity checks will be performed buth nothing will be written into databse. Useful for develpement purposes

Request.customer parameters:

Key Compulsory Value type Max length Notes
code yes varchar 3-12 alphanumeric chars Customer code in Netstorming sytstem
name yes varchar 1-100 chars Customer name / company name
address yes varchar 1-150 chars
zip yes varchar 8 numbers
country yes varchar 2 chars Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
city yes varchar 3-4 chars Netstorming city code
mailstaff yes email max 100 chars Main customer email
notify_lang yes varchar 2 chars Customer notification language
telephone yes varchar 1-20 numbers
fax yes varchar 1-20 numbers
currency yes varchar 3 chars ISO 4217 currency code
booking_online yes bool Enable customer to perform online bookings (otherwise it can run availability only)
blocked_in_deadline yes bool Block reservations in deadline asking for prepayment with cc at the time of creation
credit_card yes bool Allow client to pay with credit card
admin_user_name yes varchar 1-50 chars
admin_user_email yes email max 100 chars
admin_user_login yes varchar 3-12 alphanumeric chars
admin_user_psw yes varchar 6-12 chars
admin_user_foreign_code no varchar 1-100 chars Foreign code
vat no varchar 30 chars
corporatename no varchar 1-100 chars
mailaccountability no email max 100 chars
tax_code no varchar max 100 chars
markuphotelsweb no int
markupcarsweb no int
markuptransfersweb no int
markuptoursweb no int
markupgenericservicesweb no int
sdi_code no varchar 7 chars
accounting no varchar 1-20 chars
mobile_phone no varchar 1-20 numbers
pec_address no email max 100 chars
force_contextual_payment no bool Force customer to pay reservation in advance, even if they are not in deadline yet
emergency_number no varchar 1-20 numbers
payment_date no enum [topay, deadline, startdate]
prepayment_days no int [0-30]
block_voucher no bool
booking_autocancellation no bool Automatically cancel unpaid bookings before the deadline date (usually 1 hour before)
hotels_credit no int If you want to disable, set to 0
cars_credit no int If you want to disable, set to 0
transfers_credit no int If you want to disable, set to 0
tours_credit no int If you want to disable, set to 0
additional_users no list of objects see below: User parameters List of additional users to be inserted (other than the admin one)

Request.customer.additional_user parameters:

Key Compulsory Value type Max length Notes
name yes varchar 1-50 chars
email yes email max 100 chars
login yes varchar 3-12 alphanumeric chars
psw yes varchar 6-12 chars
role yes enum [admin, user, limited_access_user]
    "dry_run": true,
    "results": [
            "code": "test0123",
            "customer": false,
            "user": false
    "errors": [
            "line/index": 1,
            "errors": [
                "missing address",
                "invalid notify_lang",
                "invalid booking_online (valid values: yes, no, y, n, true, false, 1, 0)"

Response parameters:

Key Compulsory Value type Notes
dry_run no bool Echo-value of the dry_run parameter in request
results yes list of objects one object for each customer, holding the insert results (more deails below)
errors yes list of objects one object for each errpr, if any (more deails below)

Response.results parameters:

Key Compulsory Value type Notes
code yes string Echo-value of the dry_run parameter in request
customer yes bool Result of insert operation of customer. true = ok, false = failed
user yes bool Result of insert operation of user. true = ok, false = failed. Always be false if customer = false

Response.errors parameters:

Key Compulsory Value type Notes
line/index yes int Index of item that generates the error
errors yes list of strings Human-readable validation errors on the requested data

You can find an example here