In the response message, within the tag response, you can find the list of booking. You can see the fields desrcibed below:
HOTEL TYPE (type = 1)
- envelope/response/bookings/[supplier code]
contains the code of the supplier in our system (each supplier we have is indentified by a specific code).
- envelope/response/bookings/[supplier]
contains the supplier name
- envelope/response/bookings/[customertaxcode]
contains the customer tax code (VAT number)
- envelope/response/bookings/[clerk code]
contains the code of the clerk that managed the booking.
- envelope/response/bookings/[commercial]
contains the id and the name of the commercial.
- envelope/response/bookings/[owner]
contains the code and name of the office
- envelope/response/bookings/[booking code]
contains the booking code
- envelope/response/bookings/[linked_booking name type]
contains, if exists, the name of the linked booking and its type ("original_booking" or "substitute_booking")
- envelope/response/bookings/[status code]
contains the booking status code
- envelope/response/bookings/[description]
contains the booking description
- envelope/response/bookings/[checkin date]
contains the booking checkin date
- envelope/response/bookings/[checkout date]
contains the booking checkout date
- envelope/response/bookings/[hotel code]
contains the hotel code (in our system).
- envelope/response/bookings/[hotel name]
contains the hotel name
- envelope/response/bookings/[hotel city]
contains the hotel city
- envelope/response/bookings/[agreement]
contains the booked agreement
- envelope/response/bookings/[distributor]
contoains code and name of distributor
- envelope/response/bookings/[hotel address]
contains the hotel address
- envelope/response/bookings/[currency code]
contains the currency code
- envelope/response/bookings/[roombasis meal]
contains the meal code. You can decode it checking the table in the bottom of the documentation.
- envelope/response/bookings/[roombasis breakfast]
contains the breakfast code. You can decode it checking the table in the bottom of the documentation.
- envelope/response/bookings/[first_buy]
contains information about buy at time of first confirmation
- envelope/response/bookings/[first_sell]
contains information about sell at time of first confirmation
- envelope/response/bookings/[deadline date]
contains the deadline date
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[room type]
contains the room type code
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[date]
It may happen that the room price changes depending on the day, e.g. the price of Saturday can be higher that the price of Friday. If you perform a reservation from Friday to Sunday, in this section you can see the specific price for each date.
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[sell]
contains sell price
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[pax title]
contains the pax title (e.g. MR, MRS).
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[pax initial]
contains the pax initial
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[pax surname]
contains the pax surname
- envelope/response/bookings/details/rooms/[pax leader]
is set to “true” if the pax is the leader of the reservation.
- envelope/response/bookings/details/configuration/card/[ccnumber]
virtual card number
- envelope/response/bookings/details/configuration/card/[startvalidity]
start validity of the virtual credit card
- envelope/response/bookings/details/configuration/card/[endvalidity]
end validity of the virtual credit card
- envelope/response/bookings/details/configuration/card/[cvc]
card verification code
- envelope/response/bookings/remarks/remark[code]
remark code
- envelope/response/bookings/remarks/remark[text]
remark text
- envelope/response/bookings[startcity name]
contains the start city name
- envelope/response/bookings[endcity name]
contains the end city name
- envelope/response/bookings/[commercial]
contains the id and the name of the commercial.
- envelope/response/bookings[assistant nett]
contains the assistant cost
- envelope/response/bookings[date]
contains the pickup date
- envelope/response/bookings/pickupPoint[name]
contains the pickup point name
- envelope/response/bookings/pickupPoint[address]
contains the pickup point address
- envelope/response/bookings/dropoffPoint[name]
contains the drop off point name
- envelope/response/bookings/dropoffPoint[address]
contains the drop off point address
- envelope/response/bookings/baggages[number]
contains the number of baggages
- envelope/response/bookings/[car]
contains the type car
- envelope/response/bookings/[deadline]
contains the deadline date
- envelope/response/bookings/[first_buy]
contains information about buy at time of first confirmation
- envelope/response/bookings/[first_sell]
contains information about sell at time of first confirmation
- envelope/response/bookings/[starthotel]
contains name and id of start hotel
- envelope/response/bookings/[endhotel]
contains name and id of end hotel
- envelope/response/bookings/[GUID]
contains the GUID value
- envelope/response/bookings/supplements[supplement]
contains the id and value of remark
- envelope/response/bookings/remarks[remark]
contains the text and date of remark
- envelope/response/bookings/[description]
contains the booking description
TOUR TYPE (type = 4)
- envelope/response/bookings[starttime time]
contains the start time
- envelope/response/bookings/[commercial]
contains the id and the name of the commercial.
- envelope/response/bookings[tour id]
contains the tour code
- envelope/response/bookings[total]
contains the total amount
- envelope/response/bookings/[first_buy]
contains information about buy at time of first confirmation
- envelope/response/bookings/[first_sell]
contains information about sell at time of first confirmation
<version> 1.0.0</version>
<timestamp> 1258554875</timestamp>
<response type="track" product="bookings">
<supplier code="JCAP3251704"> JACOB ONLINE LTD</supplier>
<customertaxcode>06543675876 </customertaxcode>
<clerk code="PATICO"/>
<booking code="2020-112033"/>
<status code="cnf"/>
<checkin date="2020-05-29"/>
<checkout date="2020-05-31"/>
<hotel code="18694" name="kennedy"/>
<city code="rom"> ROME</city>
<address>Via Filippo Turati, 42,00185 Rome,Italy</address>
<currency code="EUR"/>
<net amount="209"/>
<roombasis meal="RB" breakfast="C"/>
<deadline date="2009-05-25"/>
<room type="dbl">
<pax title="MRS" initial="C" surname="FERNANDEZ" leader="true"/>
<pax title="MR" initial="L" surname="CARBONNE"/>