The reply message contains within tag response the various fields that describe the closure terms for each room type.


  • start date

    first closing day

  • days

    number of days. (You can add this number to the start date to get the end of the period. If these two dates correspond this value is set to 0)

  • roomtype

    parameter that identifies the room type

    • SGL single room
    • The closures of the TSU (twin for sole use room) are inherited from the TWN.
    • TWN twin room
    • DBL double room
    • TRP triple room
    • QUD quadruple room

Let’s see an example of message the client could receive.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <response type="getclousure"/>

In case of error the reply message contains, within tag response, the string "error code XX (description)", where XX represents an error code.