The reply message contains within tag response the various fields that show the maximum stay applied.


  • start date

    first day

  • days

    number of days of maximum stay validity

  • roomtype

    data about the maximum stay Parameter that identifies the room type:

    • SGL single room
    • TSU twin for sole use room The TSU doesn't inherit the maximum stay of the TWN.
    • TWN twin room
    • DBL double room
    • TRP triple room
    • QUD quadruple room
  • night

    nights of maximum stay

  • period

    validity period of the maximum stay

    • W weekend days
    • F ferial days
    • B both: weekend and ferial days

Let’s see an example of message the client could receive if the minimum stay has been set specifically for a room type.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <response type="getmaximumstay"/>

Let’s see an example of message the client could receive if the minimum stay has been generically set.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <response type="getmaximumstay"/>